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Accordions Widget

Estimated reading: 2 minutes 896 views

Default style Toggle

Super Professional

A short rod of wood or plastic sewn to one side of a coat or other garment, pushed through a hole or loop on the other side and twisted so as to act as a fastener. Switch from one effect, feature, or state to another by using a toggle.

He lost his bottle arse fanny around do one cheesed off crikey bevy mufty the full monty nancy boy cup of tea spend a penny, golly gosh what a plonker.

He lost his bottle arse fanny around do one cheesed off crikey bevy mufty the full monty nancy boy cup of tea spend a penny, golly gosh what a plonker.

Default style Accordion

He lost his bottle arse fanny around do one cheesed off crikey bevy mufty the full monty nancy boy cup of tea spend a penny, golly gosh what a plonker.

He lost his bottle arse fanny around do one cheesed off crikey bevy mufty the full monty nancy boy cup of tea spend a penny, golly gosh what a plonker.

He lost his bottle arse fanny around do one cheesed off crikey bevy mufty the full monty nancy boy cup of tea spend a penny, golly gosh what a plonker.

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  • Eh Jewel

    October 13, 2020

    Note that get_the_content doesn’t return the same thing as what the_content displays. For that you need to do this:

    $content = apply_filters( \'the_content\', get_the_content() );
    echo $content;
    • Demo User

      October 13, 2020

      If you are wanting to check if a custom (non core block) is for a page or post, include the namespace/name-of-block:

      if ( has_block( \'my-namespace/block-name\' ) ) {
       // Do stuff here.
  • Eh Jewel

    October 13, 2020
    // Note: does not support arrays
    if ( has_block( array( \'gallery\', \'button\' ) ) ) {
        // error
    // Use || instead
    if ( has_block( \'gallery\' ) || has_block( \'button\' ) ) {
        // Do something.

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